
HealthShare's official font is a modified version of FF Din Round; a precise and modular typeface by FontFont. It is a modern, rounded variant of FF DIN, which itself is based on the DIN 1451 technical drawing standard. The reason for its creation rings true to HealthShare's brand when contrasted to typical health organisations:

"Designed to bring a softness to FF DIN's simplicity and industrial sterility...with added round edges to give warmth to the somewhat sterile and mechanical original."

The font has been modified—and renamed HealthShare DIN—to replace the default '@' glyph with an alternative from the character map.

Download HealthShare DIN family

For performance, familiarity and compliance with vendor interface guidelines, we use native fonts within products, balancing our branding with that of the platform.

  • San Francisco UI on iOS and macOS
  • Roboto on Android and Chrome OS
  • Segoe UI on Windows and Windows Phone
  • Fira Sans on Firefox OS
  • Vera Sans on Linux

To achieve this on the web, font-stacks should be defined at the top-level as follows:

    -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont,
    'Segoe UI', 'Fira Sans',
    Helvetica, sans-serif;
Download HealthShare DIN for web use

Font sizes

As a company in the health industry making products for people with higher-than-average accessibility needs, we should go above and beyond to produce legible, accessible content.

Use the following rules when designing for screen and print:

SoftwarePrint/screen ads
Minimum font-size16px12pt
Line-height/leadingsize × 1.5size × 1.5

Font scales are important for maintaining harmony and maximising the hinting established by the font designer. Use the classic scale when designing for print or screen ads:

12, 14, 16, 18, 21, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72

When designing for software, base the scale on the master unit of the grid to connect type to the UI. For example, when gridUnit = 12 and bodySize = 16 (gridUnit × 0.75), the scale would be:

16, 24, 30, 36, 48, 60, 72

Keep fonts, font-sizes, weights and forms of emphasis (colour, underline etc.) to a minimum regardless of product or medium.

Always use optical kerning when typesetting for print.


HealthShare is licensed to use FF Din Round Pro on the web for up to 50,000 pageviews per month and to be installed on 5 machines for desktop usage. View the EULA.